Friday, 30 July 2010

Like father, like daughter

Mummy having a much needed night out with her friends - though its much harder to get up in the morning after a few wines!

Dale and Andrew surrounded by babies - with Sam, me, Tori and Anna

Enjoying all the male attention - with Oscar and Bradley. A bit cold outside so we moved the picnic into our lounge!

Hanging out with Tori Swan for the day

Being a bit rough with Tori!

With Daddy's family

.....and I'm even smiling and looking at the camera in this one!

Nanny and Grandad celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary

Monday, 19 July 2010

Walking with my friend Oscar (it doesnt look like July weather though!)

Having a cuddle with Daddy in between meetings on our recent trip to Bristol.

With all my NCT friends. Guess which one is me?

Thats easier - I'm the right way round now!

look how cute Sam looks!

Lunch on Wednesday with 3 generations of Gillespie - Mary, Dale and baby Sam

Visiting Nanny Daphne and Aunty Noc on Friday (taken with Mummy's phone so a bit blurry!)

Off to get the Sunday papers with daddy

I think I might try and take the next picture Mummy

What a delightful way to spend a Sunday afternoon - sitting in a pub garden....

I just love playing with Steve and Lorraine!